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Rafael Lippuner is an artist and exhibition designer who employs the process of assembling materials, installing and managing as artistic practice. The means of presentation are linked to the representation of objects, to storytelling, 
more so in a time where images and symbols displace language.
His multimedia works intervene with everyday situations, to retain a certain wilderness in how we go about and perceive our surroundings.
Rafael was born in Zofingen, Switzerland. He currently lives and works in Vienna, Austria.

Work & Education

2019–23      S.E. exhibition design & documentation

2019                 MA with commendation, art & science, University of applied Arts, Vienna

2016–19      Stud. assistant in art & science, University of applied Arts, Vienna

2015                 BA Kunst & Vermittlung, Prof. Charles Moser, HSLU Design & Kunst, Lucerne

2012–15      Assistant in 3D workshop, René Odermatt, HSLU Design & Kunst, Lucerne

2007–09      Upper vocational diploma, with commendation in major design, AGS / SfG, Basel

2004–06      Freelance in sound engineering

Curriculum Vitae / Projects & Exhibitions


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